Have You Tried Alaskan Reindeer Meat?

It is a little difficult to think of Rudolph the red nose reindeer as a sumptuous delicacy on somebody’s plate. But, in many parts of the world, reindeer meat is just another item on their weekly menu.

This delicacy is very lean.

World travelers will love this dish if you are a foodie.

There are all sorts of delicious delicacies around the world that are just waiting to tantalize our tongues and the reindeer meat is one such.

The Nutritional Value of Reindeer Meat

Reindeer meat is one of the leanest meats.

Its omega-3 and essential fatty acids content match up satisfactorily when compared to fish. And it is also comparable to chicken in terms of its fat levels. It is a low-fat cuisine that offers higher levels of omega-6 and B-12 as well.

This long-time favorite, of many Alaska natives has been proven to be a healthy choice by even the University of Tromsø.

No wonder it is a favorite among Norwegians.

So eat up!

Where to Buy Alaskan Reindeer Meat

To many, it is a new idea. But, for others reindeer meat is America’s best red meat.

In New York, it is not difficult to find reindeer meat or reindeer sausage. People who love this lean meat know exactly where to go.

And now, so will you.

Alaska Sausage and Seafood Shop

You can get either a hot or mild variety at the Alaska Sausage and Seafood shop. It gets quite busy, especially around Christmas time. There are tons of Christmas orders to fill and many request reindeer meat.

Poor Rudolph, the red nose reindeer.

Caution, keep this article away from your kids. Do not tell them this secret.

We don’t even want to think about Santa having his reindeers for lunch!

But New York is not the only place that you can buy reindeer meat.

Indian Valley Meats Store

If you fancy a trip to Alaska, there you will find restaurants that serve the lean meat, all through the year. In the summer, it is on offer from street vendors.

You will see many of them at the Iditarod races, which is kept in the month of March.

Also, if you visit the Indian Valley Meats store in Anchorage, ask for the store’s own Cathy Drum. He will be happy to serve you up reindeer sausage and jerky. Or if you prefer, you can get a gift basket to ship home to your relatives.

You can imagine the reindeer jokes in that place.

If you have never tried it before, Cathy is happy to provide a sample of reindeer meat.

Be prepared to be surprised.

To achieve the consistency needed to make a sausage, the reindeer meat is combined with pork and beef. If you weren’t told that it was reindeer meat, you might not notice the difference.

Other Uses of Reindeer

In Alaska, you will also notice that the entire animal is used for various purposes, not just its meat.

People hand the hide of the reindeer on the wall.

They also use the antlers to carve jewelry, such as earrings. The antlers can also be used to make cribbage boards and knife handles.

Artisans also fashion snow boots, using reindeer hair.

Alaska Fur Exchange

If you are looking for some of these items, then travel to Anchorage.

They are available at the Alaska Fur Exchange. You will see many shelves packed with a wide selection of items.

These include bones, horns, hides or pelts.

People use the hides to hang on the back of their couch.

Reindeer products can also be purchased from other countries, including Russia, Norway, and Finland. You will be surprised to note that they are cheaper there.

The Demand for Reindeer Meat

While the general populace in the lower 48 states is not overly demanding this meat, people from all over the world do.

However, visitors to Alaska who sample the meat crave it when they get home.

So exporters of reindeer meat see an annual increase for the product.

It is also served in restaurants in Canada.

Chef Strut of Alberta’s Deer Lodge, often serves this delicacy. He says, “People love it. They come back for more all the time.” Any menu item with the lean meat ends up becoming a popular item on the restaurant’s menu.

“Whoever eats it is going to want to eat more,” he adds.

Trade and reindeer experts across the world agree.

This is why they are trying so hard to get people to sample the product.

The benefits for Alaska’s economy can only be positive and well needed.

A lot of the people who grow and provide the meat live in distant lands across the State and are poor. They often have no roads and no alternate ways to make an income. This export niche would make their daily lives better.

Let’s up more American’s consider this healthy delicacy that is just waiting for them up north.

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